Best 5 Projectors for 2023

Best Projectors for 2023

 Projectors have come a long way from the days when they were all essentially interchangeable for anything from business presentations to setting up a home theater, and the most useful way to categorize them was by their weight class. Today, you can break them down by any number of meaningful categories, including their imaging technology (LCD, DLP, LCOS, and even laser raster), light source (lamp, LED, laser, or hybrid), and most important, their intended use.

As projectors have become more widely used, they've also become more specialized. A model intended for showing business presentations in rooms with bright lighting, for example, needs higher brightness than one designed for watching movies in a dark room, but it doesn't need the same level of contrast or color accuracy. In this guide, we'll first cover our favorite picks, chosen from models we've tested, for a variety of needs. We'll also explain why we picked each one for that specific use. Then, we'll take you through the factors you should consider when shopping for a projector to help ensure you find the best match for whatever you plan to use it for.

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